Feedback? Ideas? Complaints? Suggestions? Request for report about other area? send me a message!
This page was generated using data obtained on 2025-02-20. Please, send me a message if you want it updated!

Remember to check whether edits make sense! All reports are on this page because these tasks require human judgment to verify whether the proposed edit makes sense. Some proposed edits will be wrong, in such case they should be not done and problem reported

Wikipedia article linked from OSM object using wikipedia tag is missing.
Often article was moved without leaving redirect and wikipedia tag should be edited to point to the new one.
Article may be deleted and no longer existing, or link was never valid. In such cases wikipedia tag should be deleted.

Catino di Pilato - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11078422554)['wikipedia'='it:Catino di Pilato (Bologna)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag links to 404']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a transport accident

linked wikidata entry (Q6937497)(Incidente ferroviario di Murazze di Vado article) is about a transport accident, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Lapide commemorativa in memoria delle vittime dell'incidente ferroviario del15/04/1978 - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(9656066073)['wikidata'='Q6937497']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a transport accident']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human

linked wikidata entry (Q3938577)(Freak Antoni article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Roberto "Freak" Antoni - 1954-2014 - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q3762299)(Giacomo Ulivi article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Giacomo Ulivi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q382638)(Enzo Biagi article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Palazzo dello sport e della cultura Enzo Biagi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q382638)(Enzo Biagi article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q382638)(Enzo Biagi article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Casa natale di Enzo Biagi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11963020293)['wikidata'='Q3938577']; node(12318878622)['wikidata'='Q3762299']; way(157002740)['wikidata'='Q382638']; way(157005542)['wikidata'='Q382638']; way(157005568)['wikidata'='Q382638']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a travel

linked wikidata entry (Q2521677)(Vie romee article) is about a travel, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or subject:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Via Romea - Tratto Toscana - Alternativa la Verna - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2521677)(Vie romee article) is about a travel, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or subject:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Via Romea - Tratto Toscana - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2521677)(Vie romee article) is about a travel, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or subject:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Via Romea - Tratto Emilia-Romagna - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2521677)(Vie romee article) is about a travel, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or subject:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Via Romea - Tratto Veneto - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2521677)(Vie romee article) is about a travel, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or subject:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Via Romea - Variante Storica - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(14060512)['wikidata'='Q2521677']; relation(14060515)['wikidata'='Q2521677']; relation(14060516)['wikidata'='Q2521677']; relation(14060517)['wikidata'='Q2521677']; relation(17298075)['wikidata'='Q2521677']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a travel']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a death

linked wikidata entry (Q569287)(Strage di Bologna article) is about a death, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
2 agosto 1980 - Vittime del terrorismo fascista - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q569287)(Strage di Bologna article) is about a death, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
2 agosto 1980 - Vittime del terrorismo fascista - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(12065977424)['wikidata'='Q569287']; node(12065977425)['wikidata'='Q569287']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a death']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a brand

linked wikidata entry (Q659200)(Tetra Pak article) is about a brand, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or brand:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Tetra Pak - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(167113273)['wikipedia'='en:Tetra Pak']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a brand']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a mental process

linked wikidata entry (Q122536938) is about a mental process, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Meridiana di Cassini - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(8992539870)['wikidata'='Q122536938']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a mental process']

link leads to a disambig page - not a proper wikipedia link (according to Wikidata - if target is not a disambig check Wikidata entry whether it is correct)

Castorano is 300 km away
Cerreto di Spoleto is 257 km away
Forte Rocchetta <no location data on wikidata>
Franco Rocchetta is 5043 km away
Genga is 213 km away
Grizzana Morandi is 44 km away
La Rochette (Savoia) is 378 km away
Monte Rocchetta is 5043 km away
Provincia della Spezia is 84 km away
Provincia di Alessandria is 173 km away

Rocchetta - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(13766310)['wikidata'='Q1209566']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['link to a disambiguation page']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q3888735 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Padiglione d'arte contemporanea' to 'Padiglione d'arte contemporanea di Milano').
Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q3655645 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Cantalupo (Imola)' to 'Pieve di Cantalupo').
Cantalupo - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q30027399 vs Q100837 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Medesano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q3472507 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has wikidata tag links a redirect (Q3472507 to Q21076815). Note that this OSM object has wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Villa Verdi' to 'Tenuta di Sant'Agata').
Villa Verdi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q106083468 vs Q111954 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Municipio di Santarcangelo di Romagna - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(1255619056)['wikidata'='Q3888735']['wikipedia'='it:Padiglione d\'arte contemporanea']; node(2722826018)['wikidata'='Q3655645']['wikipedia'='it:Cantalupo (Imola)']; node(69300754)['wikidata'='Q30027399']['wikipedia'='it:Medesano']; relation(2443236)['wikidata'='Q3472507']['wikipedia'='it:Villa Verdi']; way(223657757)['wikidata'='Q106083468']['wikipedia'='it:Santarcangelo di Romagna']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch']

malformed wikipedia tag

malformed value in wikipedia tag (
Centro Acquedotto - an affected OSM element that may be improved

malformed value in wikipedia tag (Liceo linguistico umanistico Laura Bassi)
Liceo Laura Bassi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(4761871459)['wikipedia'='']; way(1354397104)['wikipedia'='Liceo linguistico umanistico Laura Bassi']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed wikipedia tag']

information board with wikidata tag, not subject:wikidata

information board topic must be tagged with subject:wikidata tag - not with wikipedia tag
Kobra Dante - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11020528787)['information'='board']['wikidata'='Q34600034']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['information board with wikidata tag, not subject:wikidata']

wikipedia tag in outdated form (['wikipedia:it'], with following conflicts: ['it: gives no link conflicting with another link Q3681996']). Mismatch between different links happened and requires human judgment to solve.
Cocoricò - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(223737211)['wikidata'='Q3681996']['wikipedia'='en:Cocoricò (nightclub)']['wikipedia:it'='']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag in outdated form and there is mismatch between links']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - wikipedia points to disambiguation page and wikidata does not

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects, because wikidata tag points to a redirect that should be followed
article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Castello di Belforte - an affected OSM element that may be improved
it:Castello di Belforte -> it:Castello di Belforte (Borgo Val di Taro)
Castello di Belforte (Borgo Val di Taro)

article claims to point to disambig, wikidata does not. wikidata tag is likely to be correct, wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
Cattolica - an affected OSM element that may be improved
it:Cattolica -> it:Cattolica (Italia)
Cattolica (Italia)

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(950754529)['wikidata'='Q17624105']['wikipedia'='it:Castello di Belforte']; relation(42766)['wikidata'='Q111800']['wikipedia'='it:Cattolica']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - wikipedia points to disambiguation page and wikidata does not']

wikipedia/wikidata type tag that is incorrect according to not:* tag

operator:wikidata=Q936325 is present despite that not:operator:wikidata=Q936325 is also present - at least one of them is wrong
Farneta-Roteglia - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(163951011)['not:operator:wikidata'='Q936325']['operator:wikidata'='Q936325']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia/wikidata type tag that is incorrect according to not:* tag']

malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for network prefixed tags

malformed value in network:wikipedia tag (
Circolo ARCI Asyoli - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11167727567)['network:wikipedia'='']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for network prefixed tags']

malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for name:etymology prefixed tags

malformed value in name:etymology:wikipedia tag (Generale Anders Wladyslaw)
Giardino Generale Anders Wladyslaw - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(58884619)['name:etymology:wikipedia'='Generale Anders Wladyslaw']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for name:etymology prefixed tags']

malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for architect prefixed tags

malformed value in architect:wikipedia tag (Melchiorre Bega)
Ala Irnerio - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(148753446)['architect:wikipedia'='Melchiorre Bega']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed secondary wikipedia tag - for architect prefixed tags']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - wikipedia points to disambiguation page and wikidata does not - for artist prefixed tags

artist:wikidata and artist:wikipedia tags link to a different objects, because artist:wikidata tag points to a redirect that should be followed
article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

article claims to point to disambig, artist:wikidata does not. artist:wikidata tag is likely to be correct, artist:wikipedia tag almost certainly is not
an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11020153266)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11020157942)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11020923853)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11020923859)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11020923867)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11020923870)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11028198599)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11032019272)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11032063761)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11032084020)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11032096560)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11032215371)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11032215382)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(11032215384)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; node(1706166935)['artist:wikidata'='Q1671666']['artist:wikipedia'='it:Invader']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - wikipedia points to disambiguation page and wikidata does not - for artist prefixed tags']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for network prefixed tags

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q399 vs Q3997843 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Zona Industriale Casalecchio Caduti Reggio Emilia - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q399 vs Q3997843 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Zona Industriale Casalecchio Caduti Reggio Emilia - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 454: Praha, ÚAN Florenc => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 454: Bologna, Autostazione => Praha, ÚAN Florenc - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 545: Wien Erdberg, Busterminal VIB => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 545: Bologna, Autostazione => Wien Erdberg, Busterminal VIB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N431: Gallipoli, Parcheggio Cimitero => Bergamo, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N431: Bergamo, Autostazione => Gallipoli, Parcheggio Cimitero - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q3601022 vs Q3997843 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
372 : Bondeno -> Salara - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N409: Hamburg ZOB => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N409: Bologna, Autostazione => Hamburg ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N537: Dortmund ZOB => Firenze, Villa Costanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N537: Firenze, Villa Costanza => Dortmund ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 482: Venezia, Tronchetto => Montpellier, gare routière de Sabines - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 482: Montpellier, gare routière de Sabines => Venezia, Tronchetto - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N482: Zagreb, autobusni kolodvor => Marseille, gare Saint-Charles - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N482: Marseille, gare Saint-Charles => Zagreb, autobusni kolodvor - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 520: Roma, Tiburtina => Milano, Lampugnano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 520: Milano, Lampugnano => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N520: Milano, Lampugnano => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N520: Roma, Tiburtina => Milano, Lampugnano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 519: Zürich HB (Carpark Sihlquai) => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 519: Roma, Tiburtina => Zürich HB (Carpark Sihlquai) - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N524: Roma, Tiburtina => Basel, Bahnhof SBB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N524: Basel, Bahnhof SBB => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N527: Siena, Piazza Gramsci => Clermont-Ferrand, Les Salins - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N527: Clermont-Ferrand, Les Salins => Sienne, Piazza Gramsci - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 1518: Napoli, Metropark Centrale => Milano, Lampugnano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 1518: Milano, Lampugnano => Napoli, Metropark Centrale - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 1524: Basel, Bahnhof SBB => Roma, Anagnina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 1524: Roma, Anagnina => Basel, Bahnhof SBB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N528 (Parte d'Italia): Villa San Giovanni => Milano Lampugnano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N528 (Parte d'Italia): Milano Lampugnano => Villa San Giovanni - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N597 (Parte d'Italia): Torino, Vittorio Emanuele => Villa San Giovanni, Porto dei traghetti - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N597 (Parte d'Italia): Villa San Giovanni, Porto dei traghetti => Torino, Vittorio Emanuele - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N1526: Reggio Calabria, Piazza Garibaldi => Torino, Vittorio Emanuele - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N1526: Torino, Vittorio Emanuele => Reggio Calabria, Piazza Garibaldi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N1586: Mangone, Stazione de servizio Tamoil => Brixen/Vahrn - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N1586: Brixen/Vahrn => Mangone, Stazione de servizio Tamoil - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 531: Roma, Tiburtina => München ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N531: Roma, Tiburtina => München, ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 423: Torino, Vittorio Emanuele => Cesenatico, Viale Carducci - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N431: Bergamo, Autostazione => Lecce, Piazzale Carmelo Bene - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 522: Bergamo, Autostazione => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 532: Bergamo, Autostazione => Napoli, Metropark Centrale - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 481: Genua, Piazza della Vittoria => Venezia, Tronchetto - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N452: Nürnberg, ZOB => Florenz, Villa Constanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 531: München ZOB => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N531: München ZOB => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 481: Venezia, Tronchetto => Genua, Piazza della Vittoria - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 423: Cesenatico, Viale Carducci => Torino, Vittorio Emanuele - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 522: Roma, Tiburtina => Bergamo, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 532: Napoli, Metropark Centrale => Bergamo, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N431: Lecce, Piazzale Carmelo Bene => Bergamo, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N538: Praha, ÚAN Florenc => Florenz, Villa Costanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N538: Firenze, Villa Costanza => Praha, ÚAN Florenc - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N452: Florenz, Piazzale Montelungo => Nürnberg, ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N467: Dresden, Hbf. Bayrische Straße => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N467: Bologna, Autostazione => Dresden, Hbf. Bayrische Straße - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 534: Roma, Tiburtina => Bolzano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 534: Bolzano => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 533: Treviso => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 533: Roma, Tiburtina => Treviso - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N533: Trieste, stazione degli autobus => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N533: Roma, Tiburtina => Trieste, stazione degli autobus - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N997: Zagreb, Busbahnhof => Rom, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N997: Rom, Tiburtina => Zagreb, Busbahnhof - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N530: Roma, Tiburtina => Bolzano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N530: Bolzano => Roma, Tiburtina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 537: Firenze, Villa Costanza => Zagreb, autobusni kolodvor - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 994: Београд, Аутобуска станица / Велико Градиште => Firenze, Villa Costanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 536: Venezia, Tronchetto => Firenze, Piazzale Montelungo - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 536: Firenze, Villa Costanza => Venezia, Tronchetto - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 994: Firenze, Villa Costanza => Београд, аутобуска станица / Велико Градиште - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 537: Zagreb, autobusni kolodvor => Florenz, Villa Costanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 453: Ancona, parcheggio Archi => München, ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 453: München, ZOB => Ancona, parcheggio Archi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N536: Firenze, Villa Costanza=> Budapest, Népliget - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N536: Budapest, Népliget => Firenze, Villa Costanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N532: Napoli, Metropark Centrale => München ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N532: München ZOB => Napoli, Metropark Centrale - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N453: München Flughafen => Rimini, Miramare - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N453: Rimini, Miramare => München Flughafen - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N545: Firenze, Villa Costanza => Bratislava centrálna autobusová stanica - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N545: Bratislava centrálna autobusová stanica => Firenze, Villa Costanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 485: Assisi, Piazza Unità d'Italia => München ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 485: München ZOB => Assisi, Piazza Unità d'Italia - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 486: Bologna, Autostazione => München ZOB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 486: München ZOB => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 544: Bologna, Autostazione => Torino, Vittorio Emanuele - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 544: Torino, Vittorio Emanuele => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 545: Bologna, Autostazione => Gardasee/Lago di Garda => Wien Erdberg, Busterminal VIB - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 545: Wien Erdberg, Busterminal VIB => Gardasee/Lago di Garda => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 506: Bologna, Autostazione => Zürich HB (Carpark Sihlquai) - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 506: Zürich HB (Carpark Sihlquai) => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 421: Pescara, Terminal Bus => Zürich HB (Carpark Sihlquai) - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 421: Zürich HB (Carpark Sihlquai) => Pescara, Terminal Bus - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 507: Rimini, Centro Studi => Genf, Internationaler Busbahnhof - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 507: Genf, Internationaler Busbahnhof => Rimini, Centro Studi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 478: Bologna, Autostazione => Grenoble, gare routière - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 478: Grenoble, gare routière => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 541: Siena, stazione ferroviaria => Rijeka, autobusni kolodvor - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 541: Rijeka, autobusni kolodvor => Siena, stazione ferroviaria - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N535: Firenze, Villa Costanza => Split, autobusna stanica - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N535: Split, autobusna stanica => Firenze, Villa Costanza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N1545: Bologna, Autostazione => Praha, ÚAN Florenc - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus N1545: Praha, ÚAN Florenc => Bologna, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 426: Pesaro, Stazione delle Corriere => Milano, Lampugnano - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 426: Milano, Lampugnano => Pesaro, Stazione delle Corriere - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 428: Ancona, parcheggio Archi => Bergamo, Autostazione - an affected OSM element that may be improved

network:wikidata and network:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q15712258 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article) Note that this OSM object has network:wikipedia tag that links redirect ('Flixbus' to 'FlixBus').
Flixbus 428: Bergamo, Autostazione => Ancona, parcheggio Archi - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(10255910787)['network:wikidata'='Q399']['network:wikipedia'='it:Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna']; node(10255910788)['network:wikidata'='Q399']['network:wikipedia'='it:Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna']; relation(10035539)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10035540)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10092674)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10092675)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10092992)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10092993)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(1025463)['network:wikidata'='Q3601022']['network:wikipedia'='it:Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna']; relation(10307698)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10307699)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10355294)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10355295)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10602496)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10602497)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10602984)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10602985)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10605870)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10605871)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10605901)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10605902)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10621172)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10621173)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10624686)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10624687)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10628383)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10628384)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10628630)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10628631)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10684058)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(10684059)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11747522)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11747523)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11754414)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11754415)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11772519)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11772520)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11892155)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(11894837)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6076493)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6076494)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6083365)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6087791)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6087792)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6087793)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6088003)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(6390769)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(8848984)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(8886362)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9039031)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9042144)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9044844)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9046336)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9088794)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9188029)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9188581)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9211558)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9350023)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9350024)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9368194)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9368195)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9384020)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9384021)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9384218)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9384220)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9384523)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9384524)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9423938)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9423939)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9426465)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9426466)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9435467)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9435468)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9448207)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9450629)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9545582)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9545583)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9548452)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9548453)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9652401)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9652402)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9652816)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9652817)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9667932)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9667933)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9670871)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9670872)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9713120)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9713121)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9759646)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9759647)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9790950)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9790951)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9846870)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9846871)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9847197)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9847198)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9882802)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9882803)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9882971)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9882972)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9883210)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9883211)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9883621)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9883622)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9906469)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9906470)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9911500)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9911501)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9917417)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; relation(9917418)['network:wikidata'='Q15712258']['network:wikipedia'='en:Flixbus']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for network prefixed tags']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for species prefixed tags

species:wikidata and species:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q158261 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

species:wikidata and species:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q158261 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

species:wikidata and species:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q158261 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

species:wikidata and species:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q158261 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

species:wikidata and species:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q12004 vs Q165145 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11805559698)['species:wikidata'='Q158261']['species:wikipedia'='it:Abelia']; node(11805559699)['species:wikidata'='Q158261']['species:wikipedia'='it:Abelia']; node(11805559700)['species:wikidata'='Q158261']['species:wikipedia'='it:Abelia']; node(11805559701)['species:wikidata'='Q158261']['species:wikipedia'='it:Abelia']; node(12082991241)['species:wikidata'='Q12004']['species:wikipedia'='en:Quercus robur']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for species prefixed tags']

wikipedia page in unexpected language - ceb is a low quality, bot generated wikipedia - it should not be linked
Selva - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikipedia page in unexpected language - ceb is a low quality, bot generated wikipedia - it should not be linked
San Prospero - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikipedia page in unexpected language - ceb is a low quality, bot generated wikipedia - it should not be linked
Monte Spaduro - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(400710910)['wikidata'='Q33483472']['wikipedia'='ceb:Selva (lungsod sa Italya, Emilia-Romagna, Provincia di Bologna, lat 44,34, long 11,76)']; node(408459707)['wikidata'='Q33480467']['wikipedia'='ceb:San Prospero (lungsod sa Italya, Provincia di Bologna)']; node(5108346554)['wikidata'='Q31613000']['wikipedia'='ceb:Monte Spaduro']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag links bot wikipedia']

malformed secondary wikidata tag - for name:etymology prefixed tags

malformed value in name:etymology:wikidata tag (L268315;L1047972)
Correggio - an affected OSM element that may be improved

malformed value in name:etymology:wikidata tag (Q2094191; Q467)
Via Donne della Resistenza - an affected OSM element that may be improved

malformed value in name:etymology:wikidata tag (Q18380; Q651369)
Via Boves - an affected OSM element that may be improved

malformed value in name:etymology:wikidata tag (Q55631411; Q1746003)
Piazzetta delle Suore - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(43563)['name:etymology:wikidata'='L268315;L1047972']; way(1271434798)['name:etymology:wikidata'='Q2094191; Q467']; way(167527148)['name:etymology:wikidata'='Q18380; Q651369']; way(69332688)['name:etymology:wikidata'='Q55631411; Q1746003']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed secondary wikidata tag - for name:etymology prefixed tags']

Other useful resources

JOSM Wikipedia plugin

Note to self: online version hosted at, files are stored at